Summary of Emails
- Adempiere DocAction Issue
- Material Issue Policy
Below are some of the emails I've received and my reply to them:
[Start of Email] Adempiere DocAction Issue -------------------
This is Kalpana from India. I got your mail id from Ayaz Ahmed. I would like to get a help inadempiere. I face the same issue as it is posted in this forum
This is Kalpana from India. I got your mail id from Ayaz Ahmed. I would like to get a help inadempiere. I face the same issue as it is posted in this forum
am trying to debug CompleteIt, PrepareIt,... methods in MClass. But it
shows terminated. Then I tried to follow Requisition window, and created
new workflow and attached with Docaction as a process. But now workflow
is running when i click on complete button. But CompleteIt and
PrepareIt methods are not called. So I am unable to debug.
Please help me
----- (below is my reply)
Look for the simplest M class and just replace the name of the class you just created.
Also, make sure that your complete button is the same with other complete button, to check for the terminated one.
Try these first. Make sure you are following or setting it right.
----- (after some more exchange emails, here's our final conversation)
got it. I have just copied table and column and Classes of Requisition
and then renamed as per my class. Now it works fine. Thanks very much
for your instructions..
[End of Email] -------------------
[Start of Email] Material Issue Policy -------------------
hello sister .
hope you are good and fine. i am learning adempiere and want to use this software for my company, but i got a problem in material issue policy . adempiere only use LIFO or FIFO policy. This does not fit for my company. i don't want to issue lot numbered material on lifo or fifo bases . i want to use a lot that i wish rather then lifo or fifo . plz help me how i could issue material according to my wish.
God bless you.
Hassan Aziz (pakistan)
----- (below is my reply)
Hmm... Let me clear the process first so that we are on the same page.
1st: You want to issue materials right (from first email) but you have to issue the right materials and LIFO or FIFO does not work according to how you do it.
2nd: (In your second email) Are you saying here that you don't have inventory since the raw material is coming from the supplier? Are you using JIT (Just in time) production strategy?
Since I can't get the clear picture of your company, I cannot give you a definite answer.
As of the moment here's what I can think, and you can check if this will work.
Using material receipt, receive the item from Supplier 1 and put it in a temporary location (in the warehouse). You can use ASI lot so you can mark it by day or by pallet or how you measure it in bulk.
Receive the raw material of 2nd supplier and store it in temp location, use ASI to mark it. Then using the manufacturing process (not the small production process but the libero manufacturing process), you can process your production by pointing the source from Temporary location, choose the right ASI, and then produce the final product.
With this you still used the supplier 2 raw material with supplier 1.
For you to manufacture something, you have to at least put the quantity in the system so the system can proceed.
Hope this helps.
If not, then give me a more detailed example highlighting the main problem, it's better if you mention the windows you are going through the system.
1st: You want to issue materials right (from first email) but you have to issue the right materials and LIFO or FIFO does not work according to how you do it.
2nd: (In your second email) Are you saying here that you don't have inventory since the raw material is coming from the supplier? Are you using JIT (Just in time) production strategy?
Since I can't get the clear picture of your company, I cannot give you a definite answer.
As of the moment here's what I can think, and you can check if this will work.
Using material receipt, receive the item from Supplier 1 and put it in a temporary location (in the warehouse). You can use ASI lot so you can mark it by day or by pallet or how you measure it in bulk.
Receive the raw material of 2nd supplier and store it in temp location, use ASI to mark it. Then using the manufacturing process (not the small production process but the libero manufacturing process), you can process your production by pointing the source from Temporary location, choose the right ASI, and then produce the final product.
With this you still used the supplier 2 raw material with supplier 1.
For you to manufacture something, you have to at least put the quantity in the system so the system can proceed.
Hope this helps.
If not, then give me a more detailed example highlighting the main problem, it's better if you mention the windows you are going through the system.
----- (after some more exchange emails, here's our final conversation)
got the solution as per your instruction . i used different locator and
my problem is solved. i am very thankful to you. for your time and
help. God bless you.
if you don't mind will you send me your mail address i will send you greeting card of thanks from my country .
[End of Email] -------------------
if you don't mind will you send me your mail address i will send you greeting card of thanks from my country .
[End of Email] -------------------
Some email conversations I had with some users requires more time to resolve, if I'm free I help them but for a fee (because of the time I need to spend to solve the issue).
Lately, due to me becoming involve into this IT Firm "iOSS", I seldom get to have a free time to do freelance work. Also some concerns are too technical that only our Technical Manager can answer, so I route them through the company. This way, the exchange of information is more formal and they don't have to worry about the people disappearing or can't be reached (happens sometimes in freelance jobs).
So if you have concerns about ADempiere, our company entertains technical and business process concerns - starting from business mapping to implementation (on the cloud or on site).
For more information, you can check us out here:
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