
Monday, November 24, 2014

Updating iDempiere 2.0 to 2.1

First of, all of the solutions are here

Except for some bumps I've encountered in applying the database migration script
1) I'm using windows so running
means I have to download CYGwin, there are other tools but this is what I used.

2) After successfully running sync applied, I feel like I need a complete version of migration scripts, because I don't want a problem. So I have to double check the last check point I had when I ran my first migration script and that was i2.0z (found under idempiere\migration\i2.0z). So I have to update my trunk to latest 2.1 branch release by using
hg pull && hg update release-2.1 
inside my local idempiere home folder.

3) After having all the scripts needed, apparently I realized that I don't need step 1 if I have updated my trunk. So I've created a bat that will execute all the sql files in i2.0z folder, since there are lots of sql file.

4) But, I've encountered this generate_uuid() function missing or not existing, so I have to search all over the net to find the solution...

first I found this:
the above link didn't work for me, and I'm not sure why so I tried this

second solution: psql -d idempiere -U adempiere -c 'CREATE EXTENSION "uuid-ossp"'

But again it didn't work because I'm having problem with those freaking quotes!
So my third solution is:

And it almost did not work in step 3 when I tried using this (instead of what is in the website)
idempiere=# SELECT adempiere.generate_uuid();
But the problem with that is, I have to put adempiere schema in all sql files in migration folder, and I cannot do that. That's crazy!

5) I found a site that modifies postgresql.conf here

But when I restarted my server, I had problems running SELECT adempiere.generate_uuid(); again. So I had to close the cmd and recreate the extension. And viola! It WORKS!!! :D

So, I hope this documentation will help other struggling implementer who are updating their idempiere system to 2.1.

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